Gee, so much going on. Got a new metal bedframe. It has much potential I think. It's very sturdy. Haven't slept (or done anything else) in it much though since just after we got it and painted the walls we went to PA for a couple days. The weather there sucked (cold and rainy) but at least I got to see most of my family and even a couple of friends. The main point of the jaunt was to attend my parent's Passover seder, since it's a big deal for my family. But we also took some time to go out to Amish country and see Meg's family. It's a bit disturbing to see all the farm lands becoming shopping centers and housing developments, but it seems that's going to be the fate of Lancaster county. In any case the whole time was over far too quickly and now I'm back in AZ...and at work. Bleh. It's just so hard to get back into the swing of things after a vacation. I think I need another. Maybe a trip around the world?
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
Found a new leak in the apartment this morning. After ripping a hole … -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
Oh, well the apartment is back together now. It's just a huge mess. I… -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2005
Oh bother....Last week we found a spot on the carpet which was bubble… -
Sunday Feb 27, 2005
Holy cow! I have a friend! Will wonders never cease? Maybe I'll even … -
Monday Sep 06, 2004
I know that nobody reads this, but on the off chance you come across … -
Monday Aug 16, 2004
I'm an awful parent. I left my poor puppy at my inlaw's place this we… -
Tuesday Aug 10, 2004
Sitting here at 1 AM in a hotel in Columbia, MD. Nice little town. No… -
Thursday Jul 29, 2004
On the road again..... Note to self: it was NOT a good idea driving … -
Wednesday Jun 16, 2004
I really suck at this whole journal thing. I log onto the site all th… -
Thursday Apr 08, 2004
Gee, so much going on. Got a new metal bedframe. It has much potentia…