Back again for 3 months. Yay for free promos!
Just sulking in the cold weather and wondering when they'll stop calling it december and just call it christmas...
Just wanted to mention, I hate going to the doctor. It's not some kind of phobia oranything of thst nature. It's just that it's never a pleasant experience. If I'm going then I'm usually sick in some way or another which usually makes my short tempered and generally unpleasant to be around, and that makes the whole thing worse as well. Then you have to...
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Poison Ivy SUCKS! I've had it for over 3 weeks now and it just won't go away. I thought I killed it but then it just popped up somewhere else.

So we got a house now. It needs a bit of work since the old lady who used to live there (before she died) wasn't so great about maintenence. Plus, the color scheme isn't really us. So I've been spending a lot of time scraping paint and wallpaper so we can repaint. So much fun. At least my brother is helping since he's not doing...
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Spent last week in a classroom doing prep for the SEC Series 7 exam. It wasn't as bad as the time I got sick on absinthe in a sleeper train in Spain, but it was close.
I still have to take the exam, but I'm afraid because if you fail you have to wait 30 days before you can retest. Plus, I'd feel like a...
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I still have to take the exam, but I'm afraid because if you fail you have to wait 30 days before you can retest. Plus, I'd feel like a...
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Happy Birthday to me
The whole birthday thing seems to have lost it's impact. Getting older at this point doesn't really have any advantages for me. I can already drive, vote, drink. I can even rent a car. I think I'm going to see about eliminating my birthday entirely.
But then I wouldn't get to collect social security and medicare when I get old. Which...
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The whole birthday thing seems to have lost it's impact. Getting older at this point doesn't really have any advantages for me. I can already drive, vote, drink. I can even rent a car. I think I'm going to see about eliminating my birthday entirely.
But then I wouldn't get to collect social security and medicare when I get old. Which...
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Was listening to the radio while driving between Baltimore and Philly a couple days ago and I hit the area where I can't get a clear signal on any of my presets for either city. (I make the journey far too often since I am in an apartment in Maryland and most of my family and friends live in or near Philly. Plus, I have...
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I don't usually pay attention to celebrity stuff, but I am visiting my parents house and sleeping on a pullout couch and there's a tv right in front of the couch. So I felt inclined to turn it on and there was Lindsay Lohan on Letterman. At least that's what they claimed. I thought she was a nice curvy redhead, but the chick on the...
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Had an epiphany the other day. It was some kind of large scale grand fantastic idea that just absorbed my thoughts for over an hour. Unfortunately, I was in bed trying to fall asleep and didn't write it down. Now all I have is a faint recollection that it had something to do with socialism and how poorly humanity is coping with this modern world...
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i just broke my record of longest days with no shower...and actually, i don't know how i'm going to beat this current record because i completely forgot how many days it had been since i did shower....i think i was like on two weeks or something. gross yeah i know. but i feel even grosser when i'm clean

sure kid, you can be a cocksucker if you want.. dream big

I've been looking for work for quite a while now but still no job.
I'm thinking that I keep screwing up the interview, but I don't know what it is that I'm saying (or not saying) that's killing me. Nowadays, with all the legal crap surrounding hiring and all, you can't even get decent feedback. I've had phone interviews that only lasted 15 minutes which...
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I'm thinking that I keep screwing up the interview, but I don't know what it is that I'm saying (or not saying) that's killing me. Nowadays, with all the legal crap surrounding hiring and all, you can't even get decent feedback. I've had phone interviews that only lasted 15 minutes which...
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awww- thats so cute
in my terms it means I cant be bothered to ANYTHING
in my terms it means I cant be bothered to ANYTHING

Do you really need more?