OK, so how do people make choices between potential significant others? I know that I'm not the only person with this problem. Hell, I'm barely arrogant enough to say that I have the problem. However, here it is.
Seems to be something that is so basic that most people don't even really think about it. They make the decision using whatever system they've thought of and live with it. Hmmm... maybe that's it. I guess there's no right way, just any way that you're comfortable with and still results in a decision, right?
And this is only remotely related to what's been going on in my life recently. The truth is that it's something that I think about every couple months. I think it's on a 9 week cycle or something. I should really investigate this...
On a different note...
I've always been able to justify messing around with a girl who has a bf by saying that I'm not doing the cheating. I've still avoided several potential hook-ups, but that was more to avoid potential drama rather than due to some moral code. I've changed my stance on this. I'm no longer going to hook up with anyone with a significant other. Seriously. Stop laughing! OK, well I'll give it the ol' college try.
BTW... it seems that I'll be going, going back, back to Cali, Cali. Hoooray! I'm tired of this shit weather. I might not be back in SF, but I'll be in the Golden State, and that's good enough for gov't work. Literally.
Seems to be something that is so basic that most people don't even really think about it. They make the decision using whatever system they've thought of and live with it. Hmmm... maybe that's it. I guess there's no right way, just any way that you're comfortable with and still results in a decision, right?
And this is only remotely related to what's been going on in my life recently. The truth is that it's something that I think about every couple months. I think it's on a 9 week cycle or something. I should really investigate this...
On a different note...
I've always been able to justify messing around with a girl who has a bf by saying that I'm not doing the cheating. I've still avoided several potential hook-ups, but that was more to avoid potential drama rather than due to some moral code. I've changed my stance on this. I'm no longer going to hook up with anyone with a significant other. Seriously. Stop laughing! OK, well I'll give it the ol' college try.
BTW... it seems that I'll be going, going back, back to Cali, Cali. Hoooray! I'm tired of this shit weather. I might not be back in SF, but I'll be in the Golden State, and that's good enough for gov't work. Literally.
*Subrosa is completely unable to contribute anything to this conversation, as it's already been said... ad nausum*
B-6... is that Bingo or Battleship or Both?