Well folks, i have added some pix and fixed my profile picture so its not so stretched out. Been ordering some stickers so I can plaster El Paso with em. I dont know, I think 100 will go pretty fast tho.
I woke up at 15 till midnight last night which is pretty bad lol. I need to get some kind of regular sleeping schedule. I cant be late to work anymore lol... one more time and I am fired. Straight up. I think I am going to go on my roof tonight and seal off my AC.... its just waisting a lot of energy by lettin the cold air in. The only thing I am worried about tonight is we are getting some pretty strong gusts of wind
so I might want to take a parasail lol. RIIIIIIIIIIGHT.....
I have been thinking of growing my mohawk back... I kind of miss it. I dont know, I kind of enjoy being bald tho. Its so easy to take care of
Cept I gotta take a razor to it like 3 times a week.
I'm gettin an iPOD nano for chrimmas. Groovy.
whoa.. i completely forgot that I was writing in my journal... damn ADD... well, here, imma submit it.
I woke up at 15 till midnight last night which is pretty bad lol. I need to get some kind of regular sleeping schedule. I cant be late to work anymore lol... one more time and I am fired. Straight up. I think I am going to go on my roof tonight and seal off my AC.... its just waisting a lot of energy by lettin the cold air in. The only thing I am worried about tonight is we are getting some pretty strong gusts of wind

I have been thinking of growing my mohawk back... I kind of miss it. I dont know, I kind of enjoy being bald tho. Its so easy to take care of

I'm gettin an iPOD nano for chrimmas. Groovy.
whoa.. i completely forgot that I was writing in my journal... damn ADD... well, here, imma submit it.


I like your hawk!!!