I love my pets. I really love cats. Here you have Conker, Mushi, and Skyy. I started off with Skyy. I was pet sitting her, but the original owner never came back for her, so I kept this little silly kitty. Skyy thinks she is a bunny and a dog. She used to bark. It was adorable. With Conker and Mushi, they are from the same mama kitty. The mama kitty's name is Omlette and she lives with my mom. She was a rescue. Conker is the biggest spaz. He meows and meows and meows until I give him attention if I'm on the bed. He's skiddish around people who are not me. He's a super big cuddle monster though. :D Mushi is my black cat. He is going to be featured in my next set. :D He wanted my full attention while I was doing my set. It was so funny. I think everyone will enjoy it. :D Mushi and I had a great time shooting.