What may appear to be neglect is often preparation for a more rapt and loving attention.
On the subject of my own recent and interposing preparations, I can say that I have probably desired other things more deeply, but in the span of my life I have never actually needed any circumstance or experience more direly. Come Friday I'll know if I am on a path to my Big Break and a glorious new life, or if only my old rut will lie before me with all the charm and inevitability of an inviting casket.
Or, for those in the audience who prefer the journal entries they view to be free of deliberate obfuscation, literary pretentiousness, and gothy, Byronesque imagery (is describing your own writing as Byronesque wandering back into the realm of literary pretentiousness? Probably, but fuck it, Im just charging on to the point): I have a callback on Friday for that job that I really, really want, would pay well, would get me the hell out of this lousy state, and that falls neatly within my very narrow range of skills and abilities, so wish me luck!
On the subject of my own recent and interposing preparations, I can say that I have probably desired other things more deeply, but in the span of my life I have never actually needed any circumstance or experience more direly. Come Friday I'll know if I am on a path to my Big Break and a glorious new life, or if only my old rut will lie before me with all the charm and inevitability of an inviting casket.
Or, for those in the audience who prefer the journal entries they view to be free of deliberate obfuscation, literary pretentiousness, and gothy, Byronesque imagery (is describing your own writing as Byronesque wandering back into the realm of literary pretentiousness? Probably, but fuck it, Im just charging on to the point): I have a callback on Friday for that job that I really, really want, would pay well, would get me the hell out of this lousy state, and that falls neatly within my very narrow range of skills and abilities, so wish me luck!
happy birthday blivvy!! we miss you on deathwing!
yay! we thought you left us for good. which would suck so much.