I post this here because I know that if I posted it where it belongs Id be found nailed to a cross in a couple of weeks. I present, for your edification and amusement, The Lamest Poem Ive Ever Written:
It was 1492
when Columbus sailed the ocean blue
and discovered a land, once found,
that killed the theory of Flat Ground.
Today some people still contend
it's freedom and not war we send,
and that orgasms can be fun,
(but only if they're slightly done).
Freud was flamed in his day
but now his theories are here to stay.
I try to help and get an ulcer;
some women just like mild salsa.
Yeah, thats right, I just compared myself to Christopher Columbus and Sigmund Freud, and managed to do it using two of the only words with no English rhyme. Jerry Seinfeld would be proud.
It was 1492
when Columbus sailed the ocean blue
and discovered a land, once found,
that killed the theory of Flat Ground.
Today some people still contend
it's freedom and not war we send,
and that orgasms can be fun,
(but only if they're slightly done).
Freud was flamed in his day
but now his theories are here to stay.
I try to help and get an ulcer;
some women just like mild salsa.
Yeah, thats right, I just compared myself to Christopher Columbus and Sigmund Freud, and managed to do it using two of the only words with no English rhyme. Jerry Seinfeld would be proud.
WRITE ME, BIZZNATCH!!! onlyimaydance@hotmail.com