Yeesh. After a 24-hour posting marathon on the CE boards yesterday I thought I was doing well; today I get involved in some more personal threads, choose an "improper" word here and there and manage to piss off half the site. I'd love to retain some impartial observer to go trawl through some of my recent posts and tell me if I was being intolerant or idiotic at any point or if I just managed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time in the wrong place. Neither would really surprise me - the latter has always been a special trademark of mine, and whenever I start talking about womens' issues most women get the impression I'm a complete jerk. I like to think I have a hard time relating to women because they don't seem to enjoy my company, but maybe women just don't like me because I'm a misogynist.
/ egg?
Knowing full well that I'm not asking for any screeds or displays of intolerance, what individual or group of people do you have the hardest time talking with and about? And is this party the main offender when it comes to consistently misinterpreting your intentions?

Knowing full well that I'm not asking for any screeds or displays of intolerance, what individual or group of people do you have the hardest time talking with and about? And is this party the main offender when it comes to consistently misinterpreting your intentions?