A word of caution for anyone who blunders into one of my obnoxious comments and comes to my journal wondering what kind of an asshole would say a thing like that:
97% of everything that I've ever expressed has been meant as comedy on one level or another. You can usually spot the other 3% as I start to use big, important-sounding words and make very little sense. An apt description of my usual sense of humor would be HHOS, though I've also been know to be self-effacing, banal, and on occasion employ gutter depravity.
Seeing as how not everyone's tongue is so firmly in cheek, now and again someone will take offense at something I've said, or will take something the wrong way, or will form an unjust opinion of me because I was engaged in an intellectual pratfall. I'm rarely totally serious because my life is dreadfully boring and depressing as it is, and amusing others is one of the precious few things that amuses me. If I'm constantly onstage, though, I'm bound to ruffle a few feathers eventually, and as Woody Allen said, "If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative." Please forgive me if our taste in humor runs counter, and when in doubt, I'M ONLY KIDDING.
97% of everything that I've ever expressed has been meant as comedy on one level or another. You can usually spot the other 3% as I start to use big, important-sounding words and make very little sense. An apt description of my usual sense of humor would be HHOS, though I've also been know to be self-effacing, banal, and on occasion employ gutter depravity.
Seeing as how not everyone's tongue is so firmly in cheek, now and again someone will take offense at something I've said, or will take something the wrong way, or will form an unjust opinion of me because I was engaged in an intellectual pratfall. I'm rarely totally serious because my life is dreadfully boring and depressing as it is, and amusing others is one of the precious few things that amuses me. If I'm constantly onstage, though, I'm bound to ruffle a few feathers eventually, and as Woody Allen said, "If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative." Please forgive me if our taste in humor runs counter, and when in doubt, I'M ONLY KIDDING.
Came back to edit in some homeboy talk. I'm not from Y-town, but spent a lot of time there. I married a girl from Boardman long ago. I think my brother inlaw was the football coach at Poland - John Gibson? (the Gib).
I remembered that the Park Inn burned down, like in the 80's. It was fun, but mostly the stumbling drunk, howling variety of fun. Blue collar binges!
I enjoyed your nihilistic viewpoint on cheery hopeful movies. It takes me back to less complicated places in my life...
[Edited on Aug 27, 2004 3:10PM]
I just felt that I had to put in my $ .02