Guess who just renewed his membership for a whole year? And how, you might ask, did such a scoundrel as myself come by forty-eight American dollars (or even the princely sum of eighty-four, after taxes)? Why, by starring in (or rather standing far in the background of) a major motion picture! Watch out, People's Sexiest Man of the Year Matt Damon! And that's right, ladies, he's single!
When/if I receive the long overdue (and almost substantial!) paycheck from some actual work I did, expect a grandiose celebration. You may wish to provide several popular haute couture designers with your measurements and professional color analysis now, in fact.

When/if I receive the long overdue (and almost substantial!) paycheck from some actual work I did, expect a grandiose celebration. You may wish to provide several popular haute couture designers with your measurements and professional color analysis now, in fact.