Logging into SG less than once a month FTW. Sorry, guys - I've been leveling. The good news is Bliv finally hit 60, so I might try having a life for the five weeks we've got before BC hits. 
So, I'm a computer tech-type person by training (CCNA, A+, and about half a computer engineering degree, though you'd never know it by looking at my income), a roadie/techie/sound&light guy for two local bands, and a computer geek of the sort that only feels truly at home here on the Internets. Now, can someone please explain to me why someone so reliant on technology can't suss out logical reasons for all of his technology breaking and malfunctioning all the time? My laptop doesn't want to receive power, my router just started blocking all my traffic for some inconceivable reason, my DVR box stopped POSTing shortly before I installed its encoder card, my WoW battlegroup finally stopped throttling my bandwidth not long after I gave up trying to figure out what was wrong, I can't design a vocal mix to save my life, feedback and other horrific sounds resist my most persistent efforts to eliminate them in a live mix; in fact, I can't remember the last problem I actually fixed. Am I cursed? Did I cross a gypsy during my infancy, perhaps? Or do I just suck at technical troubleshooting? I'm not even saying I want all this shit to magically work - I'd settle for a simple explanation of why it's all broken. Is that too much to ask?
Also, what's up with the profile changes? Maybe I'm a curmudgeonly old fuck, but it seems that every time something changes around here I like SG's layout and usability design less and less.

So, I'm a computer tech-type person by training (CCNA, A+, and about half a computer engineering degree, though you'd never know it by looking at my income), a roadie/techie/sound&light guy for two local bands, and a computer geek of the sort that only feels truly at home here on the Internets. Now, can someone please explain to me why someone so reliant on technology can't suss out logical reasons for all of his technology breaking and malfunctioning all the time? My laptop doesn't want to receive power, my router just started blocking all my traffic for some inconceivable reason, my DVR box stopped POSTing shortly before I installed its encoder card, my WoW battlegroup finally stopped throttling my bandwidth not long after I gave up trying to figure out what was wrong, I can't design a vocal mix to save my life, feedback and other horrific sounds resist my most persistent efforts to eliminate them in a live mix; in fact, I can't remember the last problem I actually fixed. Am I cursed? Did I cross a gypsy during my infancy, perhaps? Or do I just suck at technical troubleshooting? I'm not even saying I want all this shit to magically work - I'd settle for a simple explanation of why it's all broken. Is that too much to ask?

Also, what's up with the profile changes? Maybe I'm a curmudgeonly old fuck, but it seems that every time something changes around here I like SG's layout and usability design less and less.
