Ok fair warning to those who read my blogs. Just went to see what I thought was the new Superman movie. Yeah you know the one Man of Steel. Not sure what the hell it is but it ain't Superman. They got a character with a similar background and costume but that is as far as it goes. That ain't Superman folks. If I hadn't paid 30 bucks to see it I would have walked out. How the hell DC put their name on that crap is beyond me, but if this is how they reboot their movies it will be that last DC movie I watch. End rant
The CG was cool, but they messed up the plot in a lot of places and the dialogue... don't get me started. I thought they killed the love story between Clark and Lois. No chemistry and why the hell did they stick her in a prison where she conveniently found a space for the key?? /facepalm !
Anyway, I'm returning to Iowa just to pick up my car - but I should be in the Austin area a little while after that