You ever just have one of those days when you feel like nothing you do can go right. Here I sit in Texas trying to find work and my family is stuck in Idaho. The cable, internet and phone are turned off and the lights are next. To top it all off I have to come up with money for the car or it gets repossessed. Sometimes it just seems like life tries to pile as much shit on you as it can all at once. Well wish me some luck that I find work soon. That's about it really just needed to get that off my chest. Hope everyone is having a better day than me.
Sorry bout life kicking you in the ass when your already down. Hope you find something soon I'll light a candle & pray for you
I had to take a small break and get away from it all, reflect on life and all that shit Lol But Im back, and I hope I stay as happy as I am right now...Just thinkin positive =)