Well my last blog was me bitching. So guess this one should be about happy stuff. My daughter was reading last night. She has been trying to play her teachers at school, making 3 different teachers think she has only learned a few letters. Different letters for each teacher though. Yeah she is gonna turn out like me. But she was READING yesterday!! In case you are wondering why I am excited about this is I love to read. It has been one of the true joys in my life, and I want my kiddo to share in that joy.Other than that, gonna try to get a costume today for the Comi-Con in March. Anybody else planning on going. The Emerald City ComiCon in Seattle. Just wondering, maybe I might actually get to meet a few of you guys/gals. Well guess that should do it for the happy blog. Who knows maybe one of these days I might even try to get some more pictures put up.
Somebody gotta take over the family business.
Lol only till next week!