If your reading this thank a teacher. If your reading this in English thank a soldier. For 15 years I got up everyday and did what I had to do to keep our people and land free. Despite all the complaints I heard about my job from some dumb-ass wanting to get in T.V. Then of course some movie star has to throw in their...
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Thank you for your service...as a wife of a serviceman I truly appreciate all that you gave up to give to people you didn't even know smile XOXO
Just took the kiddo to see Megamind. I laughed my ass off. Finally a Will Ferrel movie that I like. If you get the chance you should definitely go see it.
before i moved in, my mom found mold in the floor/wall between the shower and the bedroom. the landlord fixed the wall, the floor, all the stuff inbetween, and fixed the hole in the wall of the shower that was letting water leak out. she made sure that i wasnt about to get sick again haha.
Well another Halloween is here. Of course it has been raining for the past few days, so I have not been able to finish the decorating. Guess what I have put up will have to do. Hope everyone has a fantastic Halloween. Now bring on the candy.
Well figures. I finally get the rest of my decorations for the yard and then it goes and rains today. Which means that I cant start the setup till tomorrow. Well at least it shouldn't take me long to set everything up. Gonna try to go see the Haunted House around the corner tonight, not sure what to expect. So what are everybody's plans for...
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Well guess winter is finally deciding to set in. Went out this morning to take the kiddo to school and my truck was covered in ice. Of course my defroster didn't want to work right either. Guess I will have to go buy a heater for my window. I am a heat person not a cold person. Well at least Halloween is close. Later
It's going to be on my calf! Hopefully as part of a whole leg piece.
cool can't wait to see the pics
Well things are pretty much the same as always with me. Got back some money that I loaned to my mom yesterday and as soon as the check clears I am gonna go buy some halloween decorations for the house. Hope everyone else is doing ok.
WOOT! Money. YAY! I can't wait to decorate for Halloween. It is one of my favorite holidays!
Well finished my indoc for the reserves this weekend. Checked into my unit and found that they work a lil different from what I'm used to. This could be fun getting used to. Well not a whole lot else going on. Later
it is good advice and something i believe in. one day at a time. things will happen how they should.
It's a joke. That is all
Well went to the Clint Black concert tonight and had a blast. He puts on a hell of a show. That's really about it going on.
I didnt know Clint Black was still performing. WOW! Did he do anything with his wife? I know they had a few duets several years back. I am glad you had fun! smile
No she was not there, he did a great job. Even got in a few jokes, plus he does a great Willie Nelson impersonation.
Took the kiddo to the fair last night she had a blast. She got hopped up on cotton candy and rode some rides. I was glad she had a good time. Other than that I am still working on fixin up the house. Trying to get ready for halloween, gotta come up with some decorating ideas.
Well got most of the unpacking done. Still need to finish connecting the surround sound but all in all its almost done.
thank you love!
no problem darlin, hope your doing good
Well officially moved in. Tonight is the first night in the new house. Still got lots to unpack but its a start.
Cool I would love to check out a new anime! Thanks for the new suggestion! I will ask my boyfriend if he has ever seen those.
Glad I could help