damn i am bad at updating this thing.
well a few new things in my life. Jill the girl i have been dating is my girlfriend now. yay for me she is a sweet girl who treats me very well.
My little sister called me yesterday. She found out where our Dad lives. it is only about 20 minutes away from where i live now. i haven't seen or talked to the guy in close to 4 years. in his defense my mom moved and changed her number and so did my sisters and i. so he had no way of getting a hold of us. part of me really wants to see him. but another doesn't. he comes in and out my life alot. he was in jail for most of my childhood. Got out when i was 15 and stayed around till i was 18 then took off again for a few years coming back when i was around 20. then disppeared again when i was 22. and now we finally find the old man again. a big part of me loves the guy even with all his faults and crazyness. but another part doesn't need the drama he tends to bring with him wherever he goes. i'm torn on what to do. i think i'll try to go see him this week end.
on a brither note going out drinking with the guys tonight. i think we are going to go hit up the liqiud Kitty in Santa moncia. it's a nice chill little place
hope you guys have a nice week end cya later
well a few new things in my life. Jill the girl i have been dating is my girlfriend now. yay for me she is a sweet girl who treats me very well.
My little sister called me yesterday. She found out where our Dad lives. it is only about 20 minutes away from where i live now. i haven't seen or talked to the guy in close to 4 years. in his defense my mom moved and changed her number and so did my sisters and i. so he had no way of getting a hold of us. part of me really wants to see him. but another doesn't. he comes in and out my life alot. he was in jail for most of my childhood. Got out when i was 15 and stayed around till i was 18 then took off again for a few years coming back when i was around 20. then disppeared again when i was 22. and now we finally find the old man again. a big part of me loves the guy even with all his faults and crazyness. but another part doesn't need the drama he tends to bring with him wherever he goes. i'm torn on what to do. i think i'll try to go see him this week end.
on a brither note going out drinking with the guys tonight. i think we are going to go hit up the liqiud Kitty in Santa moncia. it's a nice chill little place
hope you guys have a nice week end cya later
im still around its just hard as hell for me to get on a computer right now.
ill update more often when i get my own computer. 

i'll hold you to that! next time i'm in your neighbourhood, i'm coming to some fiestas with you!