wow i'm bad at updating my journal. I went to Santa Barba this weekend for Fiesta. had a ton of fun. Alot of my friends where there and we got pretty hammered which is always a good thing. i'll see if my friend will email me the pics so i can post them here. you guys can see me in all my drunken glory.
Still seeing the same girl but she is starting to get a bit to attached. she always wants to see me. she is a nice girl and i have fun hanging out with her but i don't want to see her everyday 24/7. she scared me a little when i was going up to SB she started begging me not to go. that weirded me out a bit. since i have been trying my best to be a niceer person i have no idea how to break it to her that she needs to slow down a bit. i don't want to make her mad or make her cry. and she does this annoying thing where if i say i'm going to come over later she'll call like every 2 hours till i come over. it bugs me. she called just now when i am typing this thing.
all i really want in a girl right now is someone to hang out with have a bit of fun. nothing to deep or heavy and i can't seem to find anyone like that. i know people say when you stop looking you'll find it. but i'm not looking that how i got this last one it just kind of happened. ok now i'm just babbling on
so anyways i hope everyone had a nice week end. talk to you girls later
Still seeing the same girl but she is starting to get a bit to attached. she always wants to see me. she is a nice girl and i have fun hanging out with her but i don't want to see her everyday 24/7. she scared me a little when i was going up to SB she started begging me not to go. that weirded me out a bit. since i have been trying my best to be a niceer person i have no idea how to break it to her that she needs to slow down a bit. i don't want to make her mad or make her cry. and she does this annoying thing where if i say i'm going to come over later she'll call like every 2 hours till i come over. it bugs me. she called just now when i am typing this thing.
all i really want in a girl right now is someone to hang out with have a bit of fun. nothing to deep or heavy and i can't seem to find anyone like that. i know people say when you stop looking you'll find it. but i'm not looking that how i got this last one it just kind of happened. ok now i'm just babbling on
so anyways i hope everyone had a nice week end. talk to you girls later

thanks've been here from the start for me... I'm glad you liked my set