damn mondays i hate them. the week end is never long enough. i'm in a bad mood for no real reason and it is pissing me off. i need to win the lotto this week. i am really bad at spending money. and i'm always just making it be on my bills and rent. well enough of my bitching back to work. hope everyone had a nice week end
im not really allowed to say what company i work for cause that "could" be grounds for getting fired, if by some weird chance the wrong person saw me posting their company name on a website like this (whatever), but what i do is im a civilian contractor working in baghdad, providing protection for people getting them from one place to another safely when they have to go through the bad parts of town. Which is basically the whole city at this point and time...hehe. Its a fun job, and i get to play with cool gear and guns all day...woohoo! and they actually pay me to do this shit to...haha! suckers...

Hello random person who decided to use "demon" as their Journal name ^-^