Well i had fun in Mexico. Went to Papas and Beers in Rosarita . that places get crazy everyone i went with had tons of fun well till the birthday girl decided it was time to ride the mechanic bull she was drinking a fair amount for her size and after the bull ride got a little sick. So since I was her drinking buddy for the night I got to take care of her. Which wasnt so bad she is a good kid. All in all a very fun week end. Only thing that sucked is we went for a walk on the beach and now I have this damn wife beater tan!
hope you guys had a nice week end

I took tae kwon do for three years and found it AWESOME for learning self defense and discipline. I wish I had stuck at it!!
I do wish that I could get my son into a class, tho. It'd be so awesome for teaching him some discipline ... which EVERY child needs! Plus, he's all into batman and super heros and things of that nature ... it'd be cool to teach him martial arts so he could be like one of his "heros"