Ok on request from someone. Going to update my journal with not something happening in my life. Ill do something thats has already happened. Lets see how about my most humbling moment In my younger years I was not the nicest person in the world. I got into a lot of fights and was just a mean person. My father was a navy SEAL in the Korean wars and when he finally got out of prison (another story in itself) he started training me to become a SEAL like him. By this time I was already a black belt in aikido. So the years go by and the more I learn the cockier I get thinking of course as most young men think Im unstoppable I had never lost a street fight and I had been in a lot of then more then I could count. I had come close a few times but I always walked away in much better shape then the person I was fighting. So my dad seeing what a jackass I am becoming. Takes it upon himself to show me then Im not as badass as I think I am. So on my 18th birthday so comes over my house and says well son you are 18 now I have trained you for years and you are damn good. But I want to see how good you really are. I want you to fight me like Im not your dad and Im going to fight you like youre not my son at this point Im thinking yea right he is old and slow now and Im young and strong Ill kill him see my dad was around 65 when he did this. So after about an hour of his pushing all the right buttons to piss me off I give in. Im like ok old man its your funeral I wouldn't go into detail on the ass whooping he gave me. But at the end I had two black eyes a busted lip limping and recovering from being knocked out. He only had a busted lip a limp and had to wear his arm in a sling for a few days and was peeing blood for about a week. Now some of you may think wow that fucked up how could someone do that to there only son but believe me it was an eye opener for me from that day on I was a much nicer person. He made me realize that there is always someone better then you out there and I dont have anything to proof. So now Im not the ass I used to be Im much calmer and nicer all around. And havent been in a real fight in over 3 years now. I still get the urge once in a while to bash someones face in but I deal with it much better now. And all it took was an old man beating me senseless. Hope you guys liked my little story about my life cya later and have a nice day
i will definately post pics of the hair...
Yay!! Have a great time! And, you have to go on that new ride at the top of the Stratosphere tower. It's awesome! It's a coaster that tips you off the edge of the building.