Hello everyone. Well I had a pretty fun week end. The horse races thing didnt happen. My friend read the web site wrong. The races were at 7:30 am not pm. So we went back to my place and played kings. Saturday spent the day being lazy and went swimming and saw this movie hero with Jet Li. My friends mom had it on DVD from china. Cool movie. That night went drinking. Got to watch my drunken friend dance with this 50+ year old lady it was fucking funny as hell. Sunday was a lazy ass again and did pretty much nothing but wish it wasnt so damn hot.
What did you guys do this week end?
What did you guys do this week end?
than maybe you should travel. you never know until youve experienced other places! not to say you dont or shouldnt like it here but if you dont know anywhere else you should check it out.
i was a tad "shitty" when i posted that. Ouch my head hurts...
definately still want some tacos though...