hello everyone, nothing really to update . i did get 10 hours of sleep last night. i can't remember if i have ever gotten that much sleep. now today sucks i feel like a just left work and now i'm back again. no more sleeping that much. i guess i needed it pretty bad if i slpet that long. so glad the week is almost over. i have this really bad habit of overdueing my bank account not by alot but i still manage to over due at least once or twice a paycheck. i need to stop going out so much or something. or learn to manage my money better. well i hope everyone is having a ncie day cya later
i am not allowed to manage my own money anymore.... i am not "financially responsible" blah blah blah... whatever. 

I do that so often it's sick! Sometimes it just happens.. i should start writing things down that i debit.. oh well..