well update time. nothing much new. went out with the guys this week end got drunk same old shit. i think i'm going to give up on the girl. i can't deal with her dad not letting her go out. and even if i do get her to go out once she might not be able to go out again for a while so it's back to random girls at bars. or you never know i might meet the one tomorrow (i highly doubt it) . well i hope you guys had a ncie week end and stuff cya later
That really sucks!!! I am sorry! Glad that you got drunk and had fun though

aww man, that stinks about your girl. Her dad sounds like a serious control freak. I hope you have better luck at the bars. Although i never do. Whenever I hook up with a girl at a bar it hardly ever works out. Cause ME + Alcohol + random girl ive never met before = disaster.
I'd rather go out drink have a blast and wake up alone and then try and find a nice girl in more sober surroundings. Well thats what i tell myself, but then i go and do it anyways...sigh... ill never learn. Peace!