i found out today that i'm not respected in my office. Here is a rough version of what im going to say in my five minute piece when election comes around.


When you put in the kind of effort into what we do every day, the kind of time we spend producing a daily, a comrodery forms. We become tied to oneanother like a...
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i just spent the entire night running the paper. it was inteesting, alot less work than i figured. it would be nice tho, to not have to deal with putting the website up everynight. as soon as i have this promotion im gonna job that out.

Seriously, i just spent the last two hours updating the site while my boss played super contra on a...
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so disapointed to find out that Maia and gogo are an item. they are way my favorites on the site.
i've been drunk-blogging, so please forgive my spelling 'till i sober up:

i only have 3 pictures that mean anyhting to me in my wallet:

Ahshley Heron. The one that got away. If i lived in india, our parents would have merried us long ago. Her parrents love me and my mom loves her to death. She's also redicuoulsy beautiful. THe pic is of us...
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finnish? what? shocked
i was going to try and write somehting deep about the loves lost in my life. the oportunities taekn from me by sercumstance but i realy can't bring myslef to do it.

I'm asngry at love, for it not being. I feel like an athiest who is angry at god for not existing.

I need to try and recapture my hart... become a calvinist of...
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They doesn't? I didn't know that actually.
Oh man that should be they DON'T?

forgive me my suck ass english in the middle of the night.
i need a fucking car. and im not about to drop north of 23Gs on a rice cooker.

Don't get me wrong, hooking up a 300ZX twin turbo with a cold air and an intercooler sounds fun and nothing looks sexier than a S2000 with the top down and scissor doors.

Shit i'd kill for a the new Infinity GT-R (not due out 'till they...
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so there is this new movie coming out, When a Stranger Calls. The short version, its the same re-hashed bullshit that we've all seen a dozen and a half times since highschool.

"The call is coming from inside the house!"

fuck me, what ever happened to creativity.

then there is Snakes on a Plane look it up online for yourself if you havn't already...
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ever notice that scifi gets all there greats from the shakesperian theater... odly enough, usually from the Jacobean works. I mean, yeah, much ado about nothing was pre Jacobean, but i doubt anyone will claim that Keano was a shakesperean actor befor The Matrix.

If you have the chance, get your hands on a copy of Othelo with Laurence Fishburn (you know, Morpheius). He's...
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" the further up the chain you go the less specific skill you need"

bahaha. true.
so i'm back from texas and done with the new year bs. No more smoking (for as long as i can), starting a diet, gonna start running.

la di da.