waling to the library this morning i see a hypodermic needle in my parkinglot at my apts.
i spend 2 hours digitizing a book that the store failed to stock that most of my class is mising, and that we all need for the final. its online now tho.
I go to a party my x invited me to... she's selling sex toys in the den.
I've developed an alergy to chocolate in my 21st year of beong alive... that realy hurts.
I run into the girl i've been crushing on for 4 years. My worst fear is realized when she comes out to me... already afirming what i had notices while studying with her and what has turned out to be her gf.
thank GOD im drunk, or this would have been a bad day.
i spend 2 hours digitizing a book that the store failed to stock that most of my class is mising, and that we all need for the final. its online now tho.
I go to a party my x invited me to... she's selling sex toys in the den.
I've developed an alergy to chocolate in my 21st year of beong alive... that realy hurts.
I run into the girl i've been crushing on for 4 years. My worst fear is realized when she comes out to me... already afirming what i had notices while studying with her and what has turned out to be her gf.
thank GOD im drunk, or this would have been a bad day.