drunk enough to not feel the pain

not drunk enough to forget its there

sleep migh tcure it...

but more than likely i will only wake with a pain in my jaw frome grinding my teeth all night

sorry eae

sorry elisa

sorry to anyone who comes next
We perfer to be called buccaneer Americans ARRR!!!
gues what. 12 oz mouse is awesome... deal with it.

i had alot of photogs come in tonight, but unfortunatly, i had no fucking assignments on the wall. How amazing is that, Katie didn't do her job, and im shafted. Fortunatly enough, two of my better photogs rose again to the top and tok on a number of assignmnts for tomorrow. What pisses me off...
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today i got to shoo the dalai lama. I'm proud to say that i've gotten the chance to not only see, but document for society somehting that very few are privalaged to see.

Aside form that it was a lousy event. His Holyness was awesome, don't get me wrong, the even was just so poorly missmanaged / over managed by Rutgers' Office of Public Affairs...
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i finally uploaded my Madala Photos. Check it out here.
frown so it looks liek Picnic is in the shit right now. Force 5 huricane

"get under a matress, seriously"

all my luck to you, man, keep your hear down and your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times

my family is down there and cant get out, but they've stocked up on watter and their neighbor has a generator, hopefully all will be...
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fuck, thats al i can realy say is fuck.

i'm so freaking tired of feeling like a bad man.

stupid The Who song...

dalai lama is coming sunday.

Monks are clearing their sand painting tomorrow afternoon.

My arch-nemesis has sent out a death squad of evil radioactive chinchillas
oh my god it was amazing... im probably going to spend all day friday watching them paint... i just have no words...pictures will be uploaded tomorrow, to tired now, must leave office...and complete sentances shall arive tomorrow as well dot dot dot

oh, and i sugest getting an account with http://multiply.com it has free unlimited digital uploads. lets see how much i can abuse that...
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its 2:11 here, guess where here is.

Im still at work, primarily becasue i hve loss ends to tie up with the planing of shooting away games as well as the home games for the less popular sports.

I found out that there is an invitational ha thte women's Basketball team has been invited to ... In the Bahamas!!!

down ide is that its durring...
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so im doing two jobs at the paper. It was a good idea, trust me. This way i make 28 more bucks for an hour extra of work...pluss i dont have to work somewhere else like i have been for the past year...no more answering phonecalls from people who can't figure out why there internet isnt working (try pluggin it in asshole)

the down side...
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Thank you for mentioning it! That was really nice to hear.