Needle Junkie
Annual Flu Deaths:
The Big Lie
By Neil Z. Miller
The Flu Vaccine: Safety & Efficacy
Every year, just prior to the impending "flu season," the CDC and their acquiescent media pawns terrorize the American public with false claims regarding annual flu deaths. The CDC boldly asserts that 36,000 people die every year from the flu. Such scare tactics are calculated to increase flu vaccine sales. However, according to the CDC's own official records documented in National Vital Statistics Reports, only a few hundred people die from influenza (flu) on an average year. And many of these deaths occur in people with preexisting conditions, weakened immune systems, and the elderly. For example, in 2002, 753 people died from the flu. The year before, in 2001, just 257 people died from the flu. (Fifty-nine percent of these deaths occurred in people 75 years or older; 75 percent occurred in people 55 years or older.) To put these numbers in perspective, 3,454 Americans died from malnutrition in 2001 13 times greater than the number of flu deaths! That same year, there were 4,269 deaths attributed to asthma, a condition some studies have linked to vaccines.
To rationalize this discrepancy between the true number of deaths caused by influenza every year (as documented in the CDC's own National Vital Statistics Reports) and the outrageously exaggerated bogus number of flu deaths promoted by the CDC, officials claim that flu often leads to pneumonia and that many deaths from pneumonia are really deaths caused by flu. Apparently the CDC has a secret formula for estimating how many pneumonia deaths (officially listed in the CDC's own National Vital Statistics Reports as deaths from pneumonia, not flu) are really deaths caused by flu. Adding to the confusion, influenza is caused by a virus; pneumonia is caused by bacteria. The CDC's own website takes great pains to emphasize their differences. More importantly, the CDC has a pneumonia vaccine. So why doesn't the CDC promote their pneumonia vaccine? In 2002, 65,231 people died from pneumonia; in 2001, 61,777 people died from pneumonia. If everyone took a pneumonia vaccine, especially the elderly and others most susceptible to the disease, wouldn't they be protected? Why is the CDC promoting a flu vaccine to protect against pneumonia, especially when one disease is caused by a virus and the other by bacteria? Also, how many people who died from pneumonia received a flu vaccine? How many received a pneumonia vaccine?
There are three main types of flu virus, and each type can mutate, or change, from year to year. Thus, there are literally thousands of possible strains. (Each strain is thoroughly analyzed and given a proper name, often a title associated with the place where it was initially discovered.) Every year health officials produce a new flu vaccine containing three mutated strains of flu virus. To determine which strains to use, officials travel to China at the beginning of the year to assess circulating flu viruses in that region of the world. They try to guess which strains will reach the United States by the end of the year. Production begins, and the new vaccine is usually available by October.
Flu "experts" often guess wrong. For example, in 1994 they predicted that Shangdong, Texas, and Panama strains would be prevalent that year, thus millions of people were vaccinated with a flu shot that contained these viruses. However, when winter arrived, the Johannesburg and Beijing strains of influenza circulated through society. The vaccine was ineffective. This happened again in 1996, and again in 1997. More recently, the vaccine created for the 2003-2004 flu season contained flu strains that did not circulate through society that year. Officials were once again forced to admit that millions of people were vaccinated with an ineffective vaccine. Yet, flu fatalities did not increase during these years. For example, in 1996, 857 people died from the flu; in 1997, 745 people died from the flutypical annual numbers.
In 2004, flu vaccine manufacturers were unable to produce enough flu shots to accommodate everyone who wanted a flu vaccine. (Several batches were contaminated and had to be destroyed.) Thus, only half of the population that is normally vaccinated against influenza (approximately 45 million people versus 90 million during an average year) received the vaccine. If influenza is truly a deadly disease, as officials claim, the 2004-2005 flu season should be catastrophic. If, as the CDC claims, 36,000 people die every year from the flu when 90 million people are vaccinated against the disease, how many more will die when only 45 million people are "protected?" I predict that flu fatalities will not increase. In fact, flu (and pneumonia?) fatalities may even decrease during this rare period when the American population is "under-vaccinated" against influenza.
think twice
there are lots of personal experiences with the different vaccines.. but here is some interesting info of my own about tetnis
i havent had a vaccination since i was a little girl (6 or so). About 6 months ago i stepped on a rusty metal object which had my foot bleeding. i called my father who is an herbalist and asked him if i should go get a vaccine.. he said i didnt need one and explained why. he said that even if someone did get tetnis that an herbal tincture of Lobilia releases lock jaw (as well as stops seizures.. its an antispasmatic) and the vaccine is not only unnecessary but dangerous.. i never got lock jaw.. i never got tetnis.. i stepped on the rusty nail several times (no im not retarded.. accidents happen) over the course of a month.. no problems.
so do some research.. see what you come up with.. you might find the fda as the big companies in mind and not you.
a fact you might find interesting: drug companies cannot patent natural things. natural cures have no side effects, pharmys do.. which require more pharmys.. see the connection. pharmys also dont provide cures.. they cover the symptoms.
anyways.. dont take my word for it. if you have any questions on this feel free to ask.
----------------------------------------------------------------------and on yesterdays topic.... for those who thinking diet coke is the way to go.. when was the last time you saw a fit woman who said she used to be fat till she started drinking diet coke.. its not worth it. any time you consume man made chemicals you are harming your body. if it doesnt make sense to you then here is a challenge.. stop drinking diet products for a month and see how you feel.. see if you lose or gain weight. you might be surprised.. and if this is wrong.. if chemicals are good for your body then you can go right back to consuming them and lose all the weight you gained from consuming natural ingredients.
Annual Flu Deaths:
The Big Lie
By Neil Z. Miller
The Flu Vaccine: Safety & Efficacy
Every year, just prior to the impending "flu season," the CDC and their acquiescent media pawns terrorize the American public with false claims regarding annual flu deaths. The CDC boldly asserts that 36,000 people die every year from the flu. Such scare tactics are calculated to increase flu vaccine sales. However, according to the CDC's own official records documented in National Vital Statistics Reports, only a few hundred people die from influenza (flu) on an average year. And many of these deaths occur in people with preexisting conditions, weakened immune systems, and the elderly. For example, in 2002, 753 people died from the flu. The year before, in 2001, just 257 people died from the flu. (Fifty-nine percent of these deaths occurred in people 75 years or older; 75 percent occurred in people 55 years or older.) To put these numbers in perspective, 3,454 Americans died from malnutrition in 2001 13 times greater than the number of flu deaths! That same year, there were 4,269 deaths attributed to asthma, a condition some studies have linked to vaccines.
To rationalize this discrepancy between the true number of deaths caused by influenza every year (as documented in the CDC's own National Vital Statistics Reports) and the outrageously exaggerated bogus number of flu deaths promoted by the CDC, officials claim that flu often leads to pneumonia and that many deaths from pneumonia are really deaths caused by flu. Apparently the CDC has a secret formula for estimating how many pneumonia deaths (officially listed in the CDC's own National Vital Statistics Reports as deaths from pneumonia, not flu) are really deaths caused by flu. Adding to the confusion, influenza is caused by a virus; pneumonia is caused by bacteria. The CDC's own website takes great pains to emphasize their differences. More importantly, the CDC has a pneumonia vaccine. So why doesn't the CDC promote their pneumonia vaccine? In 2002, 65,231 people died from pneumonia; in 2001, 61,777 people died from pneumonia. If everyone took a pneumonia vaccine, especially the elderly and others most susceptible to the disease, wouldn't they be protected? Why is the CDC promoting a flu vaccine to protect against pneumonia, especially when one disease is caused by a virus and the other by bacteria? Also, how many people who died from pneumonia received a flu vaccine? How many received a pneumonia vaccine?
There are three main types of flu virus, and each type can mutate, or change, from year to year. Thus, there are literally thousands of possible strains. (Each strain is thoroughly analyzed and given a proper name, often a title associated with the place where it was initially discovered.) Every year health officials produce a new flu vaccine containing three mutated strains of flu virus. To determine which strains to use, officials travel to China at the beginning of the year to assess circulating flu viruses in that region of the world. They try to guess which strains will reach the United States by the end of the year. Production begins, and the new vaccine is usually available by October.
Flu "experts" often guess wrong. For example, in 1994 they predicted that Shangdong, Texas, and Panama strains would be prevalent that year, thus millions of people were vaccinated with a flu shot that contained these viruses. However, when winter arrived, the Johannesburg and Beijing strains of influenza circulated through society. The vaccine was ineffective. This happened again in 1996, and again in 1997. More recently, the vaccine created for the 2003-2004 flu season contained flu strains that did not circulate through society that year. Officials were once again forced to admit that millions of people were vaccinated with an ineffective vaccine. Yet, flu fatalities did not increase during these years. For example, in 1996, 857 people died from the flu; in 1997, 745 people died from the flutypical annual numbers.
In 2004, flu vaccine manufacturers were unable to produce enough flu shots to accommodate everyone who wanted a flu vaccine. (Several batches were contaminated and had to be destroyed.) Thus, only half of the population that is normally vaccinated against influenza (approximately 45 million people versus 90 million during an average year) received the vaccine. If influenza is truly a deadly disease, as officials claim, the 2004-2005 flu season should be catastrophic. If, as the CDC claims, 36,000 people die every year from the flu when 90 million people are vaccinated against the disease, how many more will die when only 45 million people are "protected?" I predict that flu fatalities will not increase. In fact, flu (and pneumonia?) fatalities may even decrease during this rare period when the American population is "under-vaccinated" against influenza.
think twice
there are lots of personal experiences with the different vaccines.. but here is some interesting info of my own about tetnis
i havent had a vaccination since i was a little girl (6 or so). About 6 months ago i stepped on a rusty metal object which had my foot bleeding. i called my father who is an herbalist and asked him if i should go get a vaccine.. he said i didnt need one and explained why. he said that even if someone did get tetnis that an herbal tincture of Lobilia releases lock jaw (as well as stops seizures.. its an antispasmatic) and the vaccine is not only unnecessary but dangerous.. i never got lock jaw.. i never got tetnis.. i stepped on the rusty nail several times (no im not retarded.. accidents happen) over the course of a month.. no problems.
so do some research.. see what you come up with.. you might find the fda as the big companies in mind and not you.
a fact you might find interesting: drug companies cannot patent natural things. natural cures have no side effects, pharmys do.. which require more pharmys.. see the connection. pharmys also dont provide cures.. they cover the symptoms.
anyways.. dont take my word for it. if you have any questions on this feel free to ask.

----------------------------------------------------------------------and on yesterdays topic.... for those who thinking diet coke is the way to go.. when was the last time you saw a fit woman who said she used to be fat till she started drinking diet coke.. its not worth it. any time you consume man made chemicals you are harming your body. if it doesnt make sense to you then here is a challenge.. stop drinking diet products for a month and see how you feel.. see if you lose or gain weight. you might be surprised.. and if this is wrong.. if chemicals are good for your body then you can go right back to consuming them and lose all the weight you gained from consuming natural ingredients.
[Edited on Sep 09, 2005 8:17PM]
i have already had 2 people back out and its getting to close to try and find someone. oh and the ticket is free.