Here's what the different color posts mean:
Blue: Your own post.
Green: An administrator's post.
Purple: A post made by someone on your friends list.
Pink: A post made by a SuicideGirl or Limbo Girl.
Dark Grey / Light Grey Alternating: Posts made by regular members who are not you, an administrator, your friend, a SuicideGirl, or a Limbo Girl.Blue: Your own post.
Green: An administrator's post.
Purple: A post made by someone on your friends list.
Pink: A post made by a SuicideGirl or Limbo Girl.
Dark Grey / Light Grey Alternating: Posts made by regular members who are not you, an administrator, your friend, a SuicideGirl, or a Limbo Girl.
Here's what the different color posts mean:
Blue: Your own post.
Green: An administrator's post.
Purple: A post made by someone on your friends list.
Pink: A post made by a SuicideGirl or Limbo Girl.
Dark Grey / Light Grey Alternating: Posts made by regular members who are not you, an administrator, your friend, a SuicideGirl, or a Limbo Girl.Blue: Your own post.
Green: An administrator's post.
Purple: A post made by someone on your friends list.
Pink: A post made by a SuicideGirl or Limbo Girl.
Dark Grey / Light Grey Alternating: Posts made by regular members who are not you, an administrator, your friend, a SuicideGirl, or a Limbo Girl.
Yeah, ATL is full of stuff. The SGATLiens group is fantastic for that stuff. I'm in Athens, so I don;t get out much