I keep saying I'm going to update my profile picture, but I never do. I don't even recall if I ever posted the full picture that my profile pic is from, I probably did but I don't feel like checking. That said.. this is it.

(god that shit isn't focused very well at all. Its funny how much better you can see images on my mac as opposed to my old computer).
I have 6-10 wraps to design. Actually, I completely refuse to design one of them since I hate the concept so much.. luckily David is more than happy to do that one. Problem solved. fantastic. Work might take us out of town since its cheaper to fly us out then to ship autos sooo... we shall see, but I absolutely hate flying. I miss NY, so hopefully someone will fly us that way to wrap some stuff. Who knows. I have been busy rebuilding a website, and at the moment don't have one up, so can you tell me what the hell is lamer than a graphics company that doesn't have a website. Nothing really.. nothing is lamer, at all.
I'll update more later. I need to get my lazy bones to the gym, but first I need to make some dinner for my oldest son.

(god that shit isn't focused very well at all. Its funny how much better you can see images on my mac as opposed to my old computer).
I have 6-10 wraps to design. Actually, I completely refuse to design one of them since I hate the concept so much.. luckily David is more than happy to do that one. Problem solved. fantastic. Work might take us out of town since its cheaper to fly us out then to ship autos sooo... we shall see, but I absolutely hate flying. I miss NY, so hopefully someone will fly us that way to wrap some stuff. Who knows. I have been busy rebuilding a website, and at the moment don't have one up, so can you tell me what the hell is lamer than a graphics company that doesn't have a website. Nothing really.. nothing is lamer, at all.
I'll update more later. I need to get my lazy bones to the gym, but first I need to make some dinner for my oldest son.
So what's the design concept that you found so abhorrent? Or are you allowed to say?