Its been 2 weeks.. so Im updating with more pictures.. (is it vanity or laziness... both Im sure)....
starting with....
Karaoke with some friends at a local lez bar

me and laura

sara and me singing 'girls just wanna have fun'..
we are making funny faces... enjoy.

omgz!!!11 my arm exploded
i went to the hospital 2 times since i last updated.. im better now but on one of the stays they had to take blood from my artery... this is not the same as taking a normal blood sample.. why.. because the artery is deep in the arm and surrounded by nerves.. not like a vein thats right on the surface... soooo.. it took the lady 5 tries total to get it... one going into my wrist.. (took 2 pushes to get it as deep as it needed to go.. for both the wrist and elbow)... anyways... my arm is bruised to fuck.. yeah.. still hurts like a bitch.
red arrow is the side of my arm the needle went in on... the blue is the side of my arm that was bruised to all hell as a result of it.

heres a picture of my love-monkey.. wearing suit for the first time in his life.

okay.. now some more randomness of my bored picture taking.

so I had a tattoo appointment for Sunday but they just called me and asked without asking if i would move my date to Wednesday.. that works out well.. I have a couple extra days to come up with $200... so yeah.. Ill post pix when I get it worked on again... I cant believe its been about a year and a half since my last session.. crazy crazy shit.
okay.. thats it for now.. but if I decide to add to the update Ill make a note at the top of this blog...
much love,
starting with....
Karaoke with some friends at a local lez bar

me and laura

sara and me singing 'girls just wanna have fun'..
we are making funny faces... enjoy.

omgz!!!11 my arm exploded
i went to the hospital 2 times since i last updated.. im better now but on one of the stays they had to take blood from my artery... this is not the same as taking a normal blood sample.. why.. because the artery is deep in the arm and surrounded by nerves.. not like a vein thats right on the surface... soooo.. it took the lady 5 tries total to get it... one going into my wrist.. (took 2 pushes to get it as deep as it needed to go.. for both the wrist and elbow)... anyways... my arm is bruised to fuck.. yeah.. still hurts like a bitch.
red arrow is the side of my arm the needle went in on... the blue is the side of my arm that was bruised to all hell as a result of it.

heres a picture of my love-monkey.. wearing suit for the first time in his life.

okay.. now some more randomness of my bored picture taking.

so I had a tattoo appointment for Sunday but they just called me and asked without asking if i would move my date to Wednesday.. that works out well.. I have a couple extra days to come up with $200... so yeah.. Ill post pix when I get it worked on again... I cant believe its been about a year and a half since my last session.. crazy crazy shit.
okay.. thats it for now.. but if I decide to add to the update Ill make a note at the top of this blog...
much love,

one day im gonna hunt you down an make good on your makin out!
with tongue!!
dont you EVER change or il cry till i got no fluids left in me an when i have to go peepee dust comes out!
im hopin shooter takes his digcam up to trainin tonight cuz i wanna get your tribute tap on record! complete with subtitled a4 sheet of paper! "THIS TAP OUT IS FOR ONIE SUICIDE, CUZ I FUCKIN LOVES HER! RAWRRRRR!"
but it all depends on if shooter takes his cam!
loves an dirty kisses
=) Val