shes a wreck
when the moment of impact came i was already prepared to jump out of the automobile and run to the other car... and thats how it happened.. but lets go back... about 15 minutes... me and Llona are talking in the bathroom at a hotel party hosted by Oryon. a knock at the door.... at realization that we have made the bathroom out of service for our discussion we wrap up the conversation..
Steven leans down to whisper in my ear "we can go whenever your ready." .. i think to myself '2 marriages later.. i know that statement really means...'i want to leave... ive wanted to leave for a little while.. so im going to remind you that i want to leave... can we go please' ' i still wanted to stay but the fact that he always stays later because i want to makes me want to leave when he wants.. "do you want to go now?" is say in response.. "yeah," he says "if your ready" ... i grab my shoes, my backpack, and my beer (now thinking the word 'booze' would have gone more poetically im not really the 'booze' talking kind of gal. so i opt against it)..
we say goodbye and head down the elevator.. 37 floors seems even more intense when youre going down... ever notice that..
we walk back to the truck.. me still barefoot due to an unwise decsion to not wear socks which left me with sores im sure will turn into blisters on the back of my heels.. you know what im talking about.
we get to the truck and head home.. a block and a half away from the ramp that takes us to the street we now live off of.. there is some sort of difference of opionion on which lane to be in.. alto this bears no weight in the story i will inform you that i was wrong.. something i would have plenty of time to see in about 2 seconds.. and here is comes.. that car... and as you tilt your head with inquisition everything slows down... way down.. give you time to think about your next 10 steps.. so you wait.. with a hand on the door.. reaching for you seat belt.. you wait... and you wait.. and you try to figure out.. 'did we run a red light, hmmm... i didnt see a light.. this is weird... i wonder if she sees shes about to get hit.. will she be okay?' ... and then everything speeds back up... CRASH.. jolt.. what else do you do but prepare to jump out and watch to see how far the other vehical well slide sideways down the road.. and then it stops.. and everything happens so quickly at this moment and can be acredited to nothing less then instinct.. unbuckle seat belt, open door, run (still barefoot) thru all the broken glass to her car.. first things first "are you alright"... shes crying.. shes scared she says nothing.. 'honey.. are you okay".. and a teary, sterical 'i dont know comes out".. this goes on for some time till the cops get there at which they as her if she has any cuts.. the cop asks me to examine her... i check her arms and legs.. no cuts altho my hands and feet are currently bleeding.. i notice it and wipe my hand off on my pants so she wont have to see blood and get further freaked out.. we sit there for what seems like an eternity.. but she was fine.. she was moving her head and her arms and her legs (legs while examining them), arms to try to hit the door unlock button... which doesnt take long to realize a door thats been bent in will not open.. no.. that, my friends, takes the 'jaws of life' ... steven is clearly upset... "oh my god.. is she going to be okay" he is continually saying.. i seem to be the only on the scene who seems to be calm. i knew she would be fine because after a bit of calming down she was talking clearly.. even saying that she didnt think the door would open, i saw her move her head (to look out the passenger door to talk to two cops), her arms (in an attempt to unlock the doors which i planned on climbing thru the passenger door to at the very least sit with her. yes .. i knew she would be fine.. and the paramedics knew she would be fine and the cops knew she was fine.. but she and steven had no idea.. so we sat there.. on the ground as the lights and people went back and forth till there were no more lights.. we got in a cab (as the whole front of the truck was smashed in.. luckily its a really small truch.. some sort of nissan (sp?) i think..
we went home.. ate canned pasta (its gross but sooo good when youve just been in an accident and dont really feel like cooking.. not to mention its now after 4am), watched some L word... and went to bed.. did your night go?
when the moment of impact came i was already prepared to jump out of the automobile and run to the other car... and thats how it happened.. but lets go back... about 15 minutes... me and Llona are talking in the bathroom at a hotel party hosted by Oryon. a knock at the door.... at realization that we have made the bathroom out of service for our discussion we wrap up the conversation..
Steven leans down to whisper in my ear "we can go whenever your ready." .. i think to myself '2 marriages later.. i know that statement really means...'i want to leave... ive wanted to leave for a little while.. so im going to remind you that i want to leave... can we go please' ' i still wanted to stay but the fact that he always stays later because i want to makes me want to leave when he wants.. "do you want to go now?" is say in response.. "yeah," he says "if your ready" ... i grab my shoes, my backpack, and my beer (now thinking the word 'booze' would have gone more poetically im not really the 'booze' talking kind of gal. so i opt against it)..
we say goodbye and head down the elevator.. 37 floors seems even more intense when youre going down... ever notice that..
we walk back to the truck.. me still barefoot due to an unwise decsion to not wear socks which left me with sores im sure will turn into blisters on the back of my heels.. you know what im talking about.
we get to the truck and head home.. a block and a half away from the ramp that takes us to the street we now live off of.. there is some sort of difference of opionion on which lane to be in.. alto this bears no weight in the story i will inform you that i was wrong.. something i would have plenty of time to see in about 2 seconds.. and here is comes.. that car... and as you tilt your head with inquisition everything slows down... way down.. give you time to think about your next 10 steps.. so you wait.. with a hand on the door.. reaching for you seat belt.. you wait... and you wait.. and you try to figure out.. 'did we run a red light, hmmm... i didnt see a light.. this is weird... i wonder if she sees shes about to get hit.. will she be okay?' ... and then everything speeds back up... CRASH.. jolt.. what else do you do but prepare to jump out and watch to see how far the other vehical well slide sideways down the road.. and then it stops.. and everything happens so quickly at this moment and can be acredited to nothing less then instinct.. unbuckle seat belt, open door, run (still barefoot) thru all the broken glass to her car.. first things first "are you alright"... shes crying.. shes scared she says nothing.. 'honey.. are you okay".. and a teary, sterical 'i dont know comes out".. this goes on for some time till the cops get there at which they as her if she has any cuts.. the cop asks me to examine her... i check her arms and legs.. no cuts altho my hands and feet are currently bleeding.. i notice it and wipe my hand off on my pants so she wont have to see blood and get further freaked out.. we sit there for what seems like an eternity.. but she was fine.. she was moving her head and her arms and her legs (legs while examining them), arms to try to hit the door unlock button... which doesnt take long to realize a door thats been bent in will not open.. no.. that, my friends, takes the 'jaws of life' ... steven is clearly upset... "oh my god.. is she going to be okay" he is continually saying.. i seem to be the only on the scene who seems to be calm. i knew she would be fine because after a bit of calming down she was talking clearly.. even saying that she didnt think the door would open, i saw her move her head (to look out the passenger door to talk to two cops), her arms (in an attempt to unlock the doors which i planned on climbing thru the passenger door to at the very least sit with her. yes .. i knew she would be fine.. and the paramedics knew she would be fine and the cops knew she was fine.. but she and steven had no idea.. so we sat there.. on the ground as the lights and people went back and forth till there were no more lights.. we got in a cab (as the whole front of the truck was smashed in.. luckily its a really small truch.. some sort of nissan (sp?) i think..
we went home.. ate canned pasta (its gross but sooo good when youve just been in an accident and dont really feel like cooking.. not to mention its now after 4am), watched some L word... and went to bed.. did your night go?
It was lovely meeting you. dear.

glad you had fun getting herpes from me last night