i don't get it. all the anger and yelling about health care reform. our country is one of the few in the world that doesn't have a national health care option. we also have one for the highest obesity rates, diabetes rate, heart desease rates and cancer rates. our 'system' is run buy cost vs. profit insurance companies that can drop or deny you coverage for being to old, 'at risk', or because of a pre existing condition. it sadens me to think that we are not going to get a health care overhaul we badly need because fear mongering, mis information, and bickering between political parties. i know this is no different that the way it always has been in this country but i for one am tired of this country being run by political action commitees (be it insurance companies, big oil, religious right...). we the people has been reduced to we the pawns.
my life is already too pink..that's why maybe..you can ask the council...have a great weekend sweet face..
believe me..the pleasure is all mine...i didn't expect it that i wuld met so lovely and interesting people here..