only about two more weeks and i will be in scotland for the single speed world championships. i can't wait. this is the one event that i really look forward to every year. some of the strongest, craziest, drunkest group of people that i am honored to keep company with. it's not very often that an athletic event that pushes the limits of a persons stamina and pain threshold gets combined with crippling effects of copious amounts of drinking. don't get me wrong with what this event is about, it is a very real and very difficult single speed mountain bike race. well, it is the world championships of course! unlike just about every other athletic competition where you have to be very strict with how late you are awake and limit your drinking to water, this event is centerd around a bar (or group of bars). late nights, heavy drinking, and a willingness to suffer like no other on a bike are all taken into consideration when it comes to winning the title. two years ago, i came in 34th out of 500+ people. last year, 14th... just a handful of minutes from the win. this year??? it's been a tough year for me and 'life' has kept me from training to my fullest potential for this event but i'm going anyway. for one, i really need a vacation from my everyday life. and two, i don't think i could forgive myself if i didn't go. besides, i am really tired of saying next year. well, my mind is spinning in thought at the moment so i'm going to finish my whiskey and call it a night. cheers everyone!
Thanks for the compliment on my set. I'm glad you like it/me/etc. lol You look like you're in very good shape too, and now I know why! I'm loving the sound of this event your doing. Stamina, pain, athletics. Loves it! Where in Scotland are you headed?