The Flagstaff beer fest was pretty cool this past weekend but the downside of it was that there was so many people and the lines were so long that it make it nearly impossible to get drunk. if your into that kind of thing of course.
all in all, it was great getting out of the oven that is phoenix.
i really need to get out of town more to set my mind straight. camping in the mountains anyone?
i love camping, i just haven't done it since i moved out here a year ago. i might as well add that to the list of 'i really need to do this more...' . am i the only one with that type of list or are there other people out there like me who keep saying 'next year...'?

i really need to get out of town more to set my mind straight. camping in the mountains anyone?

thank you. 

eheheheh thanks for the comment about my ass
that was my day's blog