i thought id be done by now. i thought that i had reached the other side of the mountain and it was all downhill. but nope- it seems that junk just keeps coming out of the woodwork. i filled the dumpster for my building half-full just in the random stuff i had left over.
and i'm still not done.
as god is my witness,...
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i thought id be done by now. i thought that i had reached the other side of the mountain and it was all downhill. but nope- it seems that junk just keeps coming out of the woodwork. i filled the dumpster for my building half-full just in the random stuff i had left over.
and i'm still not done.
as god is my witness,...
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the search for gainful employment continues. i had an interview on tues, and i feel i fucked it up royally. training starts monday and i have yet to receive a call. that would be a big fuckin' hint.
i am finally starting to box up and move my personal effects from my apartment to the girl's. so far, i managed to get the majority of...
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i am finally starting to box up and move my personal effects from my apartment to the girl's. so far, i managed to get the majority of...
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"turn out the lights, the party's over..."
in the contest between a turd sandwich and a giant douche, i chose the giant douche.
no matter who wins, the next 4 years are gonna suck and suck hard.
ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts...
EDIT- looks like it's gonna be the turd sandwich for four more years.
"it's a huge shit sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite."
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no matter who wins, the next 4 years are gonna suck and suck hard.
ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts...
EDIT- looks like it's gonna be the turd sandwich for four more years.
"it's a huge shit sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite."
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"only after disaster can we be resurrected.
'it's only after you've lost everything,' tyler says, 'that you're free to do anything.'"
got fired today.
this is not the worst thing that could happen.
it's weird. i have no means of income as of 8:30 a.m. today, but i feel strangely free. i didn't realize how suffocating my job had become. it consumed me, and i...
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'it's only after you've lost everything,' tyler says, 'that you're free to do anything.'"
got fired today.
this is not the worst thing that could happen.
it's weird. i have no means of income as of 8:30 a.m. today, but i feel strangely free. i didn't realize how suffocating my job had become. it consumed me, and i...
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GOOD LUCK....believe me it could be soooooooo worse....enjoy your stress free weekend...everything can wait till Monday to be worried about...

i've had a rough go of things lately. i dunno what it is, but i just am not digging life at the moment. nothing's wrong, really. it's just that things don't feel right. i'm not really sure how to explain it.
i've been calling out from work on what is becoming a routine basis. this isn't good, i know. i just don't want to deal...
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i've been calling out from work on what is becoming a routine basis. this isn't good, i know. i just don't want to deal...
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getting dsl today...finally...
Same here. It was good to see you at the show in Orlando. It was worth the wait to come back two nights in a row, but I hated driving home at 2:30 to work at 7 the next morning.
sorry for not updating, anyone.
i'm not usually home much anymore.
i plan on moving my internet access to a new place soon, but when? i'm not sure.
i keep half-heartedly trying to clean up, sort through and throw stuff out, and pack to move out of here. i just can't get motivated. i need to hop to it, unless i want to pay rent...
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i'm not usually home much anymore.
i plan on moving my internet access to a new place soon, but when? i'm not sure.
i keep half-heartedly trying to clean up, sort through and throw stuff out, and pack to move out of here. i just can't get motivated. i need to hop to it, unless i want to pay rent...
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same shit, different week.
i(well, the girl actually) picked up two new kittens. they're pretty damned cute, even if i'm not the most cat-oriented person out there. they were both rescues. one's a little sick and was taken away from her mother too early, so she still fucks up with the hygeine a bit, meaning she misses the litterbox now and again. here's hoping she...
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i(well, the girl actually) picked up two new kittens. they're pretty damned cute, even if i'm not the most cat-oriented person out there. they were both rescues. one's a little sick and was taken away from her mother too early, so she still fucks up with the hygeine a bit, meaning she misses the litterbox now and again. here's hoping she...
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thankfully the hurricane passed jax by.
it's a shame about sw florida though.
i've not much else to mention right now...
it's a shame about sw florida though.
i've not much else to mention right now...