my first post from my new computer.
i only hope this one lasts as long as its predecessor did.
i've had a pretty good weekend, somewhat. my girl bought a grill yesterday and i put it together and cooked for her. we had steaks and shrimp skewers. i'm not normally one to sing my own praises, but it turned out pretty damned good.
today i finally connected my router and got my laptop set up. now i can be even lazier and use my computer anywhere in my home. my addiction to the internet will be growing larger.
it is a bit of an investment in my future, however. the plan is to either learn programming in my spare time or use my tuition re-imbursement at work to go back and get a cis degree. right now i'm getting the impression from my programmer friends that the degree isn't that important. i can't decide what to do. it would only take me 2 years to finish my bachelor's at this point. maybe i can do both. we'll see.
well, that's all for now.

i only hope this one lasts as long as its predecessor did.
i've had a pretty good weekend, somewhat. my girl bought a grill yesterday and i put it together and cooked for her. we had steaks and shrimp skewers. i'm not normally one to sing my own praises, but it turned out pretty damned good.
today i finally connected my router and got my laptop set up. now i can be even lazier and use my computer anywhere in my home. my addiction to the internet will be growing larger.
it is a bit of an investment in my future, however. the plan is to either learn programming in my spare time or use my tuition re-imbursement at work to go back and get a cis degree. right now i'm getting the impression from my programmer friends that the degree isn't that important. i can't decide what to do. it would only take me 2 years to finish my bachelor's at this point. maybe i can do both. we'll see.
well, that's all for now.
I live through my wireless laptop. It has to be the best thing I have bought in a while. Happy 4th.