i went on a casino ship with my friends last night. i lost 50 bucks but still had a good time.
i woke up this morning to a toothache. i still have my wisdom teeth and once in a while one of them will get sore. i dunno why. for the greater part of today i've either been in pain or asleep.
this week is gonna suck if i don't start feeling better. i called my aunt(a dental hygenist) to see if she could get me an appointment with her office on wednesday. hopefully i can still get these fuckers pulled and don't need to see an oral surgeon. still, it's rotten timing to have to do this the day before thanksgiving.
i woke up this morning to a toothache. i still have my wisdom teeth and once in a while one of them will get sore. i dunno why. for the greater part of today i've either been in pain or asleep.
this week is gonna suck if i don't start feeling better. i called my aunt(a dental hygenist) to see if she could get me an appointment with her office on wednesday. hopefully i can still get these fuckers pulled and don't need to see an oral surgeon. still, it's rotten timing to have to do this the day before thanksgiving.
The lats time i went anywhere and gambled I lost 50 bucks too. I would have lost a shitload more but I put all my money on red in roulette on the my way out and hit it to break back to close to even. If i hadn't hit that I would have been down 200.
Good luck man.