Alright this may get randomly "edit updated", or it may become a part 1 of many, but time for New York!
Day 1
Our plane left early Weds. morning and for the first time I think ever, Akron/Canton airport was actually busy. Got through with just enough time to grab some breakfast, also known as curly fries from Arbys, and hop on the plane. The flight was quick and painless, except for the wife who had to pee as soon as they turned the fasten seatbelts sign back on. Luckily for me, she made it.
We grabbed a cab and got our bags dropped off at our hotel, which had a busy lobby every time we walked through it no matter time or day somehow.
So we headed out to find FAO Schwarz as my main goal of the trip was to dance on the big piano. It turns out we didn't have our city bearings back yet as we cruised up and down E 57th and the whole time we needed W 57th. We did find a crazy Home Depot in the middle of the city, which I thought was pretty ridiculous since I work at a boring, middle of nowhere Ohio Home Depot, so we went through that.
After doing all of this wondering and searching, we ended up fairly lost. At this point I was sure God was mocking me as we then stumbled upon this beacon of loathing.
While I love my Ipod, I loathe my macbook I have to have for school, so there was a sort of Charlton Heston/Planet of the Apes shake my fist at the air sort of moment at this point. But turns out FAO Schwarz is right behind the Apple Store in New York. Unfortunately for us, we were low on time, and there was a huge line out front. So we sought food instead.
This place has been officially added to my list of "Favorite places to eat in NY". It may have been the sever lack of sleep, or the simple fact that I was starving, but it was amazing. After this we got our hotel room and passed out for a few hours since we hadn't had sleep for over 24 hours. After we woke up we went to meet a couple of our friends at Ninja NYC.
*hint: read the description for Ninja Miso Soup.
So that was day 1.
Day 2
Down but not out, we decided to give the whole FAO Schwarz thing another try, not that we were pretty sure we knew where it was. So off we went. Turns out there was a Whole Foods right by the subway exit, and Whole Foods means really good beer selection, which in turn means:
Now this isn't just beer, this is holy liquid passed down from zombie jesus to man to make up for the whole kicked out of eden bungle. I've been searching for it in Ohio for about a year now. Finally I have my hands on a glorious bottle of it (yes just one, it was the last one they had).
Then we continued to FAO Schwarz.
It was a blast. Then we were off to downtown to see a taping of The Daily Show with our friend.
You weren't allowed to take any pictures or anything inside, so unfortunately those are the only two I got. It was by far one of the coolest things I have ever got to do. If you watch the March 4th episode you might hear my voice and or clapping.
So for the sake of brevity I will do days 3,4,5 in another entry.
Day 1
Our plane left early Weds. morning and for the first time I think ever, Akron/Canton airport was actually busy. Got through with just enough time to grab some breakfast, also known as curly fries from Arbys, and hop on the plane. The flight was quick and painless, except for the wife who had to pee as soon as they turned the fasten seatbelts sign back on. Luckily for me, she made it.
We grabbed a cab and got our bags dropped off at our hotel, which had a busy lobby every time we walked through it no matter time or day somehow.

So we headed out to find FAO Schwarz as my main goal of the trip was to dance on the big piano. It turns out we didn't have our city bearings back yet as we cruised up and down E 57th and the whole time we needed W 57th. We did find a crazy Home Depot in the middle of the city, which I thought was pretty ridiculous since I work at a boring, middle of nowhere Ohio Home Depot, so we went through that.

After doing all of this wondering and searching, we ended up fairly lost. At this point I was sure God was mocking me as we then stumbled upon this beacon of loathing.

While I love my Ipod, I loathe my macbook I have to have for school, so there was a sort of Charlton Heston/Planet of the Apes shake my fist at the air sort of moment at this point. But turns out FAO Schwarz is right behind the Apple Store in New York. Unfortunately for us, we were low on time, and there was a huge line out front. So we sought food instead.

This place has been officially added to my list of "Favorite places to eat in NY". It may have been the sever lack of sleep, or the simple fact that I was starving, but it was amazing. After this we got our hotel room and passed out for a few hours since we hadn't had sleep for over 24 hours. After we woke up we went to meet a couple of our friends at Ninja NYC.

*hint: read the description for Ninja Miso Soup.
So that was day 1.
Day 2
Down but not out, we decided to give the whole FAO Schwarz thing another try, not that we were pretty sure we knew where it was. So off we went. Turns out there was a Whole Foods right by the subway exit, and Whole Foods means really good beer selection, which in turn means:

Now this isn't just beer, this is holy liquid passed down from zombie jesus to man to make up for the whole kicked out of eden bungle. I've been searching for it in Ohio for about a year now. Finally I have my hands on a glorious bottle of it (yes just one, it was the last one they had).
Then we continued to FAO Schwarz.

It was a blast. Then we were off to downtown to see a taping of The Daily Show with our friend.

You weren't allowed to take any pictures or anything inside, so unfortunately those are the only two I got. It was by far one of the coolest things I have ever got to do. If you watch the March 4th episode you might hear my voice and or clapping.
So for the sake of brevity I will do days 3,4,5 in another entry.
Yeah. This didn't happen to me yesterday, but one summer I followed the ex "hiking" because "it's fun" to "get lost" and we actually did "GET LOST." Considering one of Sand Run's trails is six miles .. well.
At one point, he was like.
Yeah, we're somewhere in the other park.
Anyway, thanks. :] :/ :]
I always thought all states were like this [a metropark every few miles, pretty much] -- until I said something about one, and someone was like.
WTF is "metropark."