We had a super bowl party this weekend. It was a good time. I don't really watch football, so I just picked the Saints at the beginning and rooted for them. Last year the team I picked lost, so my record is 1/1 right now. I can't cook to save myself, but I can make a pretty mean cheese dip. Unfortunately this time I tried a different kind of cheese (with bits of bacon in it), and it was.........not so good. Live and learn I guess.
The girl and I got in a fight an hour or so before the party started. Some objects got sent flying through the air which was pretty interesting. 15 minutes later I had convinced her I was not her father, and was not being demanding, especially since I asked her to not do something. We then realized how ridiculous the whole situation was and joked about it for the rest of the evening. That's only the second real fight we've ever had, and the first one was equally if not more ridiculous.
I found New York, I Love You on DVD, and we're going to watch it Sunday and stay in and cook a meal together. We've tried to do the whole going out thing, but it's always so busy that it hardly feels romantic standing in the waiting area of Olive Garden for 2 hours.
Friday night the drive home was probably the worst I've ever had. I was so elated to see the drive for our apartment complex, only to realize the snow in it was so deep I might end up getting stuck a few 100 feet before making it home. So after an hour or so of driving I finally slid into my parking spot and breathed a sigh of relief. Saturday I had to dig both of our cars out, which didn't end up being too bad.
The puppy was fairly hilarious as she went outside and sank up to her ears, looked confused for a minute, and then proceeded to bounce around and carve herself out a path. So she goes out and just snacks on snow.....
We're getting her spayed on Friday, which always makes me nervous. I know it's good for them in the long run, but I fret the whole day they're at the vet.
The girl and I got in a fight an hour or so before the party started. Some objects got sent flying through the air which was pretty interesting. 15 minutes later I had convinced her I was not her father, and was not being demanding, especially since I asked her to not do something. We then realized how ridiculous the whole situation was and joked about it for the rest of the evening. That's only the second real fight we've ever had, and the first one was equally if not more ridiculous.
I found New York, I Love You on DVD, and we're going to watch it Sunday and stay in and cook a meal together. We've tried to do the whole going out thing, but it's always so busy that it hardly feels romantic standing in the waiting area of Olive Garden for 2 hours.
Friday night the drive home was probably the worst I've ever had. I was so elated to see the drive for our apartment complex, only to realize the snow in it was so deep I might end up getting stuck a few 100 feet before making it home. So after an hour or so of driving I finally slid into my parking spot and breathed a sigh of relief. Saturday I had to dig both of our cars out, which didn't end up being too bad.
The puppy was fairly hilarious as she went outside and sank up to her ears, looked confused for a minute, and then proceeded to bounce around and carve herself out a path. So she goes out and just snacks on snow.....
We're getting her spayed on Friday, which always makes me nervous. I know it's good for them in the long run, but I fret the whole day they're at the vet.

oh and also...