Today has been day 3 of P90X. The exercising is rough, I've realized how terribly out of shape I am. I've stuck with it so far though, so I think I'll be good. I figure if I make it through the first two weeks I'll be ok. The diet has been going well, I just don't have it figured out quite yet. I'm the worlds least capable cook, so I either have to find things I can just grab and eat, or things that are microwavable. The biggest thing now is I need to find an easy way to get a lot more protein (no bj jokes please). I haven't had pop since Sunday, which might sound insignificant, but for me that's monumental.
I want to go see this Saturday, just have to find someone with cheesy taste like myself to go:

Also released their Most underrated movies of the decade list, which included this gem:

Such a good film, and so few people have seen it.
I'm also recently addicted to this again:
I think that's pretty much the best song they've put out in their career, and they've put out some damned fine songs imo.
New York City trip is 55 days away. I am stoked, epicly stoked.
I've been playing this lately:

I may pick up Army of 2, or just wait for Bioshock 2, not entirely sure yet.
PS: I just realized how completely random and fragmented this is, my apologies.
PPS: I'd like to see green grass again. I swear living here in the winter is like living in a black and white movie for half of the year. The salt on the windshield pales everything to grey or white or somewhere inbetween.
I want to go see this Saturday, just have to find someone with cheesy taste like myself to go:

Also released their Most underrated movies of the decade list, which included this gem:

Such a good film, and so few people have seen it.
I'm also recently addicted to this again:
I think that's pretty much the best song they've put out in their career, and they've put out some damned fine songs imo.
New York City trip is 55 days away. I am stoked, epicly stoked.
I've been playing this lately:

I may pick up Army of 2, or just wait for Bioshock 2, not entirely sure yet.
PS: I just realized how completely random and fragmented this is, my apologies.
PPS: I'd like to see green grass again. I swear living here in the winter is like living in a black and white movie for half of the year. The salt on the windshield pales everything to grey or white or somewhere inbetween.
But. I'm of the flake variety as well [however trying to get it fixed]. Meh.