I picked up Sarah Palin's Going Rogue yesterday. I've already got quite a giggle out of it. I think I offended the cashier at Target as well. She asked if I was buying it because I liked her, or because I disliked her. I told her I just couldn't believe she could string enough written words together to fill a book and I just had to find out if it really happened.
I really want to see the new Boondock Saints but it isn't playing anywhere around here that I could find. I need to get out to see some movies like pronto. My "Top 10 of '09" is going to be due in a month or so and I've got a huge "unwatched" list to work on. I have "Drag Me to Hell" and "Pray the Devil Back to Hell" from Netflix hanging out downstairs right now. Need to get to those.
Winter seems to be coming rather slowly this year. Usually it's snowed 3 or 4 times over by now. I'm ok with the warmer than usual weather though.
We're getting a christmas tree next weekend and I'm oddly excited about it. Working in retail I've been a bit down on christmas for a while now. I think this year will be good though. We have our own place, we're going to decorate, and all of my shopping will be done online. I so desperately want to be a kid again.
I've also come to the conclusion that I spend entirely too much time on Facebook.
I really want to see the new Boondock Saints but it isn't playing anywhere around here that I could find. I need to get out to see some movies like pronto. My "Top 10 of '09" is going to be due in a month or so and I've got a huge "unwatched" list to work on. I have "Drag Me to Hell" and "Pray the Devil Back to Hell" from Netflix hanging out downstairs right now. Need to get to those.
Winter seems to be coming rather slowly this year. Usually it's snowed 3 or 4 times over by now. I'm ok with the warmer than usual weather though.
We're getting a christmas tree next weekend and I'm oddly excited about it. Working in retail I've been a bit down on christmas for a while now. I think this year will be good though. We have our own place, we're going to decorate, and all of my shopping will be done online. I so desperately want to be a kid again.
I've also come to the conclusion that I spend entirely too much time on Facebook.
Palin -- haaaaha. Just hearing some excerps from the book, ahead of time, has been enough for me, for now .. Not to mention the responses from her own party [which she has alienated as a result]. It's glorious. Let me know how it goes.
Facebook -- ditto. Considering it's annoying and dull, and I'm not friends with most of my "friends" on there. And I've always liked MySpace more. I -still- sit on Facebook and act like a fucking creeper. I think .. we're somewhat helpless against it. Just let it happen.