This chick is awesome.
On a related note, I just ate a ton of red curry... I feel like I ate half of Thailand. Oof. But it put me in a happy place, and you know what? I kinda like it.
Anyhoo, I am just about to end a rather looong day. Work is mega busy and stressful at the moment, plus I had to drive an hour (each way) for German lessons. As much as I need and want to learn German, it's really hard to keep my brain alive and focused on grammar after working all day and driving to Salzburg... Ich bin sehr mude. I will definitely sleep like a champ tonight, that's fur sicher.
In other news, I went to London a few weeks ago for work and saw some of this:

(I love taking pictures of famous landmarks with random strangers being touristy. It's even better if you can somehow be in the background of their photo doing something awesome without them knowing it until their friends point it out months later)
Unfortunately I was only there for 3 days and didn't get more time to nerd out and hit the museums, but you have to leave something for the return visit and that is what this little nerd is going to do. Next time.
And then I was off to Oktoberfest in Munich where I didn't drink any beer. And it was awesome. If you know me, you'll know that I hate the taste of beer. Always have, always will. It's just one of those things that I never liked. You can keep your bubbly weirdness, just give me some Jager. Anyhoo... So why the hell was I in Munich then during Oktoberfest? Well, besides checking out the insane amount of cleavage leaping out from girls' dirndls, I was there to get the next installment of my sleeve done, which I have to say looks simply fucking awesome. Once this bad Larry heals up, I will post some pics. Now that it is more than a simple outline, I feel like you'll like it more since it is... well, not just an outline anymore. So when the times comes, I will take some awesome shots of me flexing in lederhosen. If that doesn't make you want to tear off your clothes and mount your screen, I don't know what will.
With that luscious image, I must leave you. My bed has stopped whispering to me and is now in full on scream mode.
Sweet dreams, my tasty little muffin snakes.
On a related note, I just ate a ton of red curry... I feel like I ate half of Thailand. Oof. But it put me in a happy place, and you know what? I kinda like it.
Anyhoo, I am just about to end a rather looong day. Work is mega busy and stressful at the moment, plus I had to drive an hour (each way) for German lessons. As much as I need and want to learn German, it's really hard to keep my brain alive and focused on grammar after working all day and driving to Salzburg... Ich bin sehr mude. I will definitely sleep like a champ tonight, that's fur sicher.
In other news, I went to London a few weeks ago for work and saw some of this:

(I love taking pictures of famous landmarks with random strangers being touristy. It's even better if you can somehow be in the background of their photo doing something awesome without them knowing it until their friends point it out months later)
Unfortunately I was only there for 3 days and didn't get more time to nerd out and hit the museums, but you have to leave something for the return visit and that is what this little nerd is going to do. Next time.
And then I was off to Oktoberfest in Munich where I didn't drink any beer. And it was awesome. If you know me, you'll know that I hate the taste of beer. Always have, always will. It's just one of those things that I never liked. You can keep your bubbly weirdness, just give me some Jager. Anyhoo... So why the hell was I in Munich then during Oktoberfest? Well, besides checking out the insane amount of cleavage leaping out from girls' dirndls, I was there to get the next installment of my sleeve done, which I have to say looks simply fucking awesome. Once this bad Larry heals up, I will post some pics. Now that it is more than a simple outline, I feel like you'll like it more since it is... well, not just an outline anymore. So when the times comes, I will take some awesome shots of me flexing in lederhosen. If that doesn't make you want to tear off your clothes and mount your screen, I don't know what will.
With that luscious image, I must leave you. My bed has stopped whispering to me and is now in full on scream mode.
Sweet dreams, my tasty little muffin snakes.