Hello Interweb,
In approximately 21 hours, my birthday will commence. Not just any birthday. No sir - this birthday is the only one where I turn 30. It's only gonna happen only once in my lifetime, and the time is about to be now. However, you might say, "isn't every birthday unique, given that you only turn that age once?". Very true, very true... touche. But, in reality, this one is different. This one is 30. The 30. The one where I'm no longer in my twenties and where I am now in my thirties. I'm older. Wiser. More bitter... yet also kinder and gentler. Basically, I become more crazy. Wish me luck, dearest interweb. I ordered more cans of red paint than usual for this one. Let's make sure it goes off with a bang.
In approximately 21 hours, my birthday will commence. Not just any birthday. No sir - this birthday is the only one where I turn 30. It's only gonna happen only once in my lifetime, and the time is about to be now. However, you might say, "isn't every birthday unique, given that you only turn that age once?". Very true, very true... touche. But, in reality, this one is different. This one is 30. The 30. The one where I'm no longer in my twenties and where I am now in my thirties. I'm older. Wiser. More bitter... yet also kinder and gentler. Basically, I become more crazy. Wish me luck, dearest interweb. I ordered more cans of red paint than usual for this one. Let's make sure it goes off with a bang.
damn right ..and on that note ..HAPPY BIRTTTTHHHHDAY 

Happy Birthday dude!