I'm trying to add to my journal on a daily basis but today i am so tired, been on photoshop all day long editing pics from a photoshoot, talk about brain numbing!

just wanna say to everyone who reads this that josianne is cool, and her set is HOTT check it out josianne

Good night SG, look into my eyes and you will have sweet...
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Shit, just found out that i am a noob and i am doomed to be on the outskirts of this sg village until i have proved myself worthy of acceptance, very scary, i havent had to prove myself since my first day at my second secondary school (i got kicked out the 1st one) when i had to fight this tall 5th year guy...
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7.20pm, chilling on my laptop checking out how much money i have made this weekend at my eBay store inspired by the streets
Has n't been that busy today but can't complain!

I'm trying to get into this whole community thing but it seems to be as hard to get in as entrance into the free masons, anyway if someone could recommend a group...
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2.01am, have just seen Cedar's set cedar she has very beautifal feet!!
There you go, as i said earlier, something worth writing about!
1.51 am, in bed on the internet, horny and bored!!
thats it for now, ill be back when creativity flows through me or something worth writing about happens!!

Lil Drummer Boy