Got clearance from the doctor today to go back to my normal activity. I have to ease back into training and all that stuff, but it will be nice to exercise again and feel better. All this laying around on the couch makes me feel worthless. Of course the weather has warmed up but when I am going to be able to cycle again it will be cold again. Oh well, I will still ride.
Still waiting on my non-insured hospital/surgery bills. The anesthesia bill is $900 so I am not looking forward to the rest of it.
Got contacted about the Case Worker job. I smoked the civil service test and got a bunch of paperwork for clearances and such. I have to set up an interview. The pay will suck and the job will be rough but I need to do it and start getting experience in my degree field. It will lead me where I want to go.
Plus once I start working I can get my own place again and start living a semi-normal life again. I need to do the Case Worker job for a good year before I start looking elsewhere. I need that year of experience.
36 days without alcohol. Some days are harder than others but overall I feel better for it. I have gone longer without but that was military deployment related. I never have said "I quit" with booze before. I needed to stop and will keep to it.
I have been listening to Lucero a great deal lately. Really digging on them. Also Made Out of Babies and Battle of Mice. Julie Christmas is phenomenal.
I need to start reading again. I have been slacking.
That is all.
Still waiting on my non-insured hospital/surgery bills. The anesthesia bill is $900 so I am not looking forward to the rest of it.
Got contacted about the Case Worker job. I smoked the civil service test and got a bunch of paperwork for clearances and such. I have to set up an interview. The pay will suck and the job will be rough but I need to do it and start getting experience in my degree field. It will lead me where I want to go.
Plus once I start working I can get my own place again and start living a semi-normal life again. I need to do the Case Worker job for a good year before I start looking elsewhere. I need that year of experience.
36 days without alcohol. Some days are harder than others but overall I feel better for it. I have gone longer without but that was military deployment related. I never have said "I quit" with booze before. I needed to stop and will keep to it.
I have been listening to Lucero a great deal lately. Really digging on them. Also Made Out of Babies and Battle of Mice. Julie Christmas is phenomenal.
I need to start reading again. I have been slacking.
That is all.
That is a lot of people, I was so afraid that I was going to be one of the people who were not going to get power for 3 weeks.
I hope so to, I got written up today along with a bunch of other guys, they lied, I told my manager I didnt mind getting written up, it was the fact they said on my paper that I was doing something other then what I was doing.