So it is the New Year. Yippie.
future stuff:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I have come to realize that I need to stay in Pittsburgh for a good year. I need to get a job in my degree field, entry level type stuff so I can get experience. I am not getting anything from the jobs in Germany mainly because I do not have specific experience in my field. I have all kinds of experience in a bunch of other areas but none of it translates very well. I am 0 for 9 so far on jobs in Germany. The problem now is that there are not many jobs available and I keep seeing repeats which I didn't get the last time.
So the answer is to get a job and work a while so I can have some experience and actually get the type of job I want. I could take another contract, go back overseas. I could get a job windfarming. I could get some other jobs. And in all reality if things are not playing out for me I will take one of those other options. Unless I am going to Germany I really don't feel like moving around a bunch right now or traveling from job site to job site. So I will stay put and live on the cheap in Pittsburgh.
I am still applying to other jobs elsewhere, Oregon more specifically. I just don't want to move across the country if I am going to Germany. In a year or so if things haven't changed much I will move out of here. We will see how it all plays out.
I have managed to put on 20-25lbs over what I normally am. I let myself go pretty well and it is driving me crazy. I am starting to work out again and get back into shape. Biking, lifting, running and Yoga are the main things. I am easing back into it and trying to get back into shape. The sad thing is that with my genetics I pretty much carry all my weight in my lower stomach so I get that "skinny/fat" look.
Not much else is going on. Things are the same here. I am trying to battle depression as the situation I am in is not making me happy. I am unemployed living in my aunts basement 15 miles outside Pittsburgh. There is nothing to do out here and the few friends I have are in the city. I don't go out much and am starting to get stir crazy. Living out of a bag, having my stuff in 3 different places.
I am also having trouble with my unemployment. I cannot get in touch with them. It is next to impossible to get in touch with them right now. There are so many people calling in it is ridiculous.
That is about it for now. I need to do some job hunting and get my act together. I took 2 months and fucked off, did some serious partying and traveled. Now it is time to get my shit on track.
Dude, the holidays put weight on everyone.
Swimming is my favorite form of exercise, because you have time to think. It's relaxing and exhausting at the same time!