Traveling now. Visiting my cousin in a small town outside of Seattle called Port Townsend, very relaxing and very cool. I head down to the outskirts of Tacoma next to see one of my best friends. From there is down to outside of Portland to see my Mom for the first time in 6 years. Then I spend a couple days in Portland by myself. Just going to chill out.
I have been sick for a good week now. I can't shake this shit. It makes the traveling not as enjoyable.
But I am eating very good food, drinking good beer and wine and just enjoying myself.
I head back to Pittsburgh on the 1st and from there everything is up in the air. I have to figure out what the fuck I am doing with myself.
I have been sick for a good week now. I can't shake this shit. It makes the traveling not as enjoyable.
But I am eating very good food, drinking good beer and wine and just enjoying myself.
I head back to Pittsburgh on the 1st and from there everything is up in the air. I have to figure out what the fuck I am doing with myself.
I hope all of your travels treat you well.
I hope you feel better and I hope you can figure out something to do with yourself that will make you happy and treat you well.