Excellent. In the last couple days we have new sets from:
I cannot put into words how much I love the new Nemesis set. It just knocks me on my ass.
I am trying to get over being sick right now. The shit is just lingering. It knocked me on my ass pretty hard and took a decent toll on me. So I am taking it very easy right now and just trying to let it pass. I hate being sick.
Sitting here drinking some really good, really strong, black coffee.
I have lost something here.
I cannot put into words how much I love the new Nemesis set. It just knocks me on my ass.
I am trying to get over being sick right now. The shit is just lingering. It knocked me on my ass pretty hard and took a decent toll on me. So I am taking it very easy right now and just trying to let it pass. I hate being sick.
Sitting here drinking some really good, really strong, black coffee.
I have lost something here.
I am trying to make arrangement to get back to Stockholm and get some more ink done but getting an appointment that can coincide with my leave times has proven to be difficult. The trouble with having a world famous tattoo artist work on you is that they tend to be booked months in advance, as is the case. I really want to get back to Stockholm though. I want to see it again, see more of it.
Not much else to say. Just trying to figure out where this next path is going to take me.
I really hope the new place works out.
I hope the puppy helps her, she is a very good person.
Although, esthetically speaking I can still see why Stockholm would be a fun place to visit. There are parts of that city that are pretty cool. Where were you the last time you visited?
Yeah, finally I applied to a bachelors program in art & business.. or something like that. (It's in culture & business but then you choose your major in different fields and I chose art). Now I'm immideatly regretting I didn't pick litterature. But it might be something I'm able to change once we start. I don't know if I'm going to pursue it though, I'd much rather take the bachelor programs that are available at other Universities in different cities. So I'll probably make that transition in the coming year...