and her: GoGo
And for prosperities sake the new ride that I have been riding as much as possible and I fucking love it. Also a couple pictures from riding:
Pretty fucking burnt right now. Working a lot, mind numbing work, school kicking my ass. Somehow managed a 94% in Research and Statistics. I don't know how or what I learned. Currently taking "Building Community in Organizations" and it is a nightmare class. Work load and grading wise the hardest class I have had yet. Only 2 more after this. Nov 26 and I am fucking done. At least on this chapter.
Vacation back home on the 1st. Not much of a vacation, like 12 days back home with a ton of shit to do. I need to get back though. I have stuff to take care of. I would rather travel Europe but that is not going to happen until probably March.
I need a fucking break from this place. I hate it so much sometimes. Things haven't been that bad, I just need a break. Contract ends in April and I will play it by ear from there.
Time for me to sleep.
Hoping you'll get a break soon,