I haven't updated for shit. The last month has been vacation and trying to adjust back to work and working a fucking nightmare schedule. This week was the worse as I hit 79.5 hours on 3 different shifts. I am barely functional right now and this is like typing in quicksand. I guess a quick rundown will do.
to start, vacation was to Stockholm, Sweden, Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia. I wrote a long thing on it to my friends but won't put that on here. I think maybe 3 people read this shit anyway. Quick summary of vacation: lots of walking, lots of drinking (beer and vodka mainly) lots of pictures, some valium and xanax to help with hangovers, cool people and most importantly this:
That was done by Theo Jak at http://www.infamousstudio.com/
The man is amazing and I am fucking thrilled.
Work adjustment was/is a nightmare. This place eats you alive. The fucking politics are nightmarish. Being a supervisor does not help as I see more of the corruption and bullshit first hand. I want to do another year here? fuck.
Haven't exercised for shit in the last week. I need to be riding. I am about 400 miles behind where I should be. My legs are fucked right now. I need those miles. They sedate me and keep me sane. I have lifted 2x in the last 10 days and that is about it. Terrible. I need those suffering days. Riding=therapy
Way behind in school but due to only sleeping about 6 hours the last 3 days I am next to non functional. I think I just need to shower and sleep as I am done dealing.
Sounds like you're having a hell of an adjustment. Good luck with it.